1). Sleeping in the bath.
This has always been a favourite of mine.
Picture it; lovely hot, deep, inviting bath, relaxing music, a nice glass of wine or herbal tea, some wonderfully scented, skin enriching bath salts and oils ("Where can I find such wondrous things?" you ask? Why, at my business page of course! www.facebook.com/AlluraAustralia).
You feel your body completely relax, and soak all your troubles away. Then, you allow your eyes to close, and you fall into a restful nap, awaking with a fresh feeling, and totally rejuvenated body and mind.
....or you don't wake up, because you have become so relaxed, you've unintentionally inhaled a lung full of bath water, leaving yourself to be found deceased and bloated, bobbing around in Epsom salt and Apricot Oil. That's the fear anyway.
Clearly, if you are one for 'bath napping', you must be careful not to let this 'drowning business' happen.
In fact, just so we're clear, I should probably stress that I don't necessarily think Bath Napping is a good idea at all (especially if you re under the influence), so this habit really is one you take at your own risk.
But, I love it! Especially if I've had a bad sleep filled with night terrors, or whilst dealing with this horrible SPD, nothing much beats a relaxing Bath Nap in my book.
Truth be told, I was awake at 3am this morning, with horrible joint and muscle pain. My Man woke up (probably hearing my Igor-meets-Quasimodo grunts and shuffles as I limped about), helped me upstairs, bought up the laptop and then went back to the couch to sleep. I put on some meditation music, relaxed into the hot, soothing water, and was quickly warm, in less pain, and off to snooze-ville.
I napped for 4 hours - I woke up feeling great.
In conclusion this habit is really awesome, and is one that I love...Providing I don't drown, cause that would suck.
2.) Being neurotic.
I know I'm not alone in this one. Come to think of it, all my female besties are also neurotic headcases (maybe that's why we are so close? We know how to deal with eachother's crazy?).
I stress and freak out over ridiculous things. I am aware they are stupid, but it just happens. I'm honestly afraid that one day my unnecessary worrying will cause an ulcer. Then stress over the ulcer will cause it to burst, the rupture occurring suddenly, leaving me with a severe case of the Deadsies (probably when I'm Bath Napping...)
Here is a short list of just some of my triggers that induce a ride into Crazy Town;
- Food left out in the kitchen overnight.
I cant stand that! Put leftovers in the fridge and throw out what you don't want. Do not leave it there gathering bacteria. A pan that has been left with food in it overnight scares me. I have to wash it a million times just to feel like I've removed all the sneaky germs, and even then I will eye the thing off as it sits in the cupboard, just wondering if I missed some of said germs, and becoming concerned that they might be planning a counter attack.
- Washing left in the machine.
When the washing is finished hang it out. Even though I know that laundry left in the machine for a couple of hours wont actually start to grow mould, or get smelly, every time I hear the finishing 'beep!', I'm swift to unload the contents of the wash, and begin air drying it all, spaced out neatly on the airier.
Currently I'm not allowed to do this, and Luke has been taking care of the laundry. Even if he only waits an hour before hanging the clothes up, I start smelling the phantom scent of mould in the air, and wonder if he actually is hanging up the laundry 'properly'. As I said, I'm insane.
- Talking on the phone to people I don't know.
Ordering a pizza, booking an appointment, enquiring about an issue - all of these trigger a mild panic attack; What if they don't like me? What if I say something stupid? What if I don't understand what they're saying? What if I get so nervous I forget basic English? What if they think I'm just utterly ridiculous and hang up?
I honest to God cant find a reason for this, as talking face to face with people, I'm fine.
But there you have it, that's Crazy Town.
3). Google Doctoring.
I've left this one till the end, as it's probably one of my most prominent bad habits.
Thanks to the Internet, we can all parade about like we have Medical degrees.
We have access to all kinds of information, from scientific/aimed-at-university-student type articles, to chat rooms and blog threads with every day people talking about every issue under the sun. We have symptom checker websites, that suggest probable causes (each set of results usually ranging from 'common cold' to 'very painful death'), and allow us to do a bit of research of our own, before seeing a doctor.
I've personally found a few 'reputable' sites that I use regularly, even if its just to learn more about something I've already been diagnosed with.
I'm a shameless student, I love to learn, and the more knowledge I have, the calmer I feel.
So, for example, before I saw my GP regarding all the pelvic pain I was in, I had already diagnosed myself with SPD. I was proud as punch when he diagnosed me with the same ailment I had predicted, and even pleased when he showed me some reliable websites to get information from, and they turned out to be the sites that I already use. I was excited, until I remembered everything I had read, and realized what a crappy diagnosis it was.
I Google search any and all medical ailments, and whilst I currently still seek out my GP for a professional opinion, I am worried about the future, about the time when I finally decide that I can find out anything trained doctors can just with a few clicks of a button. I really hope that doesn't happen too soon though. Cause it will turn me into a stressed neurotic mess, and then I will be tired and stressed after all my medical research, I'll need a relaxing bath, then close my eyes for just a minute, and then BOOM! - Deadsies Apricot Floater, at your service.
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